Mobile 0410 331 744


The Shire of Capel maintains five bush fire brigades, strategically located at Boyanup, Capel, Elgin, Gelorup and Peppermint Grove Beach with in excess of 100 trained volunteers, 5 medium tanker units and 4 Light Attack Appliances. These volunteer brigades are supported by the Bunbury Fire Station.

The Bushlands Pet Retreat has a bushfire evacuation plan. Our plan is to LEAVE early or at the advice of the fire brigade.

To support our LEAVE plan, the property has been prepared for both LEAVE and STAY strategies. 

Staff emergency kits (1 per vehicle)

  1. Drinking water 
  2. Mobile phone
  3. Portable battery operated radio with spare batteries 
  4. Waterproof torch 
  5. First Aid Kit
  6. Woollen blanket 
  7. Emergency contact numbers
  8. Bushfire protective clothing (See below)

Pet Emergency kits

  1. Boarding sheets
  2. Bottled water
  3. Disposable water/food bowls
  4. Dry food
  5. Medications
  6. First aid kit

    Evacuation vehicles

    1. Ford (Dogs)

    2. Hyundai (Cats)

    3. Honda (Cats)

    1. WHEN will we leave

    We will prepare to LEAVE and LEAVE early unless directed otherwise by the Fire Brigade.

    Preparation to LEAVE

    1. Position all vehicles outside the cattery building ready to load pets
    2. Ensure that each vehicle has a STAFF and PET emergency kit
    3. Start the fire sprinkler system diesel pump and test run for a 5 minutes
    4. Change clothing to wool or cotton
    5. Wait for order to LEAVE

    2. WHERE will we go

    In the first instance, we will evacuate all pets to the Capel sports ground. If an evacuation is required for an extended period, we will re-locate to a building at Peppermint Grove Beach.

    3. WHO will we call

    Emergency WA (Fire, Police Ambulance)
    Call: 000
    Fire Information

    Shire of Capel
    Shire office: (08) 9727 0222
    Bushfire Control Officer: 0428 122 676 (Peter Dunlop)
    Ranger: 0417 953 959

    Pet owners
    As per kennel sheets and booking system

    4. WHICH way will we go

    Preferred exit route (via main driveway)
    Head north along the gravel driveway to Range Road, Turn right into Range and follow to the T-junction at Prowse Road. Turn left into Prowse Road and then down to Spurr Road and the sports ground fenced courts (Route length approx. 1200 metres).

    Alternate route (via Prowse Road gate)
    Head east along the fence line to the Prowse Road gate, turn left and follow Prowse Road to Spur Road and the sports ground fenced courts (Route length approx. 1200 metres).

    ​5. WHAT will we take

    1. Staff and Pet emergency kits
    2. Dogs will be walked on a lead to the sports ground fully fenced basket ball court
    3. Cats will be loaded into their transport cages and driven to the sports ground


    If we cannot evacuate the site, all pets can remain in their kennels and cattery. The Kennels, cattery, shed and house have fire sprinkler systems fed from the 180,000 litre water tank with water pumped by a 7.5kW diesel pump with a 5+ hour water capacity.

    The alternate STAY plan is to assemble all pets in the front yard of the house which is clear of combustable vegetation and has access to a fire hose.

    Protective Clothing

    1. Loose fitting clothing made from natural fibres (wool, cotton, denim) 
    2. Long sleeved shirt Trousers or long pants 
    3. Sturdy footwear 
    4. Woollen or cotton socks 
    5. Wide brimmed hat 
    6. Fire protection gloves 
    7. Fire protection goggles 
    8. Fire protection face mask

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